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devicespecifications com

  1. DeviceSpecifications - Mobile device specifications, comparisons...

    Full specifications of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Industry news, device comparisons, user reviews and ratings.

  2. DeviceSpecifications - характеристики и спецификации мобильных...

    политика cookies условия использования о нас свяжитесь с нами новости обзоры © 2023 devicespecifications.com.

  3. Поиск устройства

    Год/период (все) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Последние 6 месяцев Последние 12 месяцев. SoC (все) Allwinner Apple Broadcom Huawei Huawei HiSilicon KIRIN 6xx...

  4. Последние сравнения устройств

    Список последних сравнений устройств, сделанных посетителями сайта.

  5. List of more brands of mobile devices.

    The information on this website is provided on "as is, as available basis" without warranty of any kind. DeviceSpecifications is not responsible for any omissions...

  6. Apple - smartphones, mobile phones, tablets, etc.

    List of various mobile devices by Apple grouped by the year of their official announcement. Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.

  7. Xiaomi - smartphones, mobile phones, tablets, etc.

    List of various mobile devices by Xiaomi grouped by the year of their official announcement. Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.

  8. Samsung - smartphones, mobile phones, tablets, etc.

    List of various mobile devices by Samsung grouped by the year of their official announcement. Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.

  9. About us

    DeviceSpecifications.com is a website created by a group of technology enthusiasts aiming to provide an encyclopedic online resource with the most detailed and accurate specifications of smartphones...

  10. DeviceSpecifications - Mobile device specifications, comparisons...

    Full specifications of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Industry news, device comparisons, user reviews and ratings.

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